Sunday, December 30, 2012

Activating the Gift of Divine Wisdom By Bishop David Oyedepo PT 2

 Welcome. This is the concluding part of "Activating the Gift of Divine Wisdom" by Dr. David Oyedepo. If you missed the first part of this teachings then , CLICK HERE.

2. By Feeding On The Wisdom Of God Through Those Who Possess It:

You too can activate the Wisdom of God by hooking onto those who possess it, through their books and any form of electronic materials  available to you. Daniel  had the gift of Divine Wisdom and he yet said: I Daniel understood by by books ( Daniel 9:2). I bought into the Wisdom of God, on the superiority of the saints, over demonic stronghold from Smith Wiggleworth's book. Buy into Divine Wisdom through those who carry it. Though Apostle Paul was an embodiment of Divine Wisdom, he was a bookworm and a mobile library (2 Timothy 4:13).

3. By Soul-Winning:

Every soul winner is a co-labourer with God. So, every active soul winner has an active partnership with God. Every genuine soul winner enjoys the natural flow of Divine Wisdom because he or she is walking with the only wise God, the epitome of Wisdom.

4. By The Holy Spirit:

One other key activator is the Holy spirit. When you are saved, there is a vital deposit of Divine Wisdom in you, but it takes the breath of the Holy Spirit to quicken it into manifestation (Job 32: 7-8). In the laboratory, you need to hit up some reagents before you can get your reactions. Note that the Holy Ghost is a fire! He hits up your brain cells, so it can manifest the deposit of Divine Wisdom in it.

5. By Prayer And Fasting:
Prayer and fasting are vital tools for activating the gift of Divine Wisdom. ...You have not because you ask not (James 4:2).      
  Remember how a king dreamt a dream and needed the interpretation. Daniel and the three Hebrew boys swung into prayer and fasting to activate the deposit they carried. No wonder, the secret was revealed onto Daniel (Daniel 2:17- 19).

6. By Keeping The Love of God Hot In Your Life:
Keeping the love of God alive in you activates His Wisdom in you. Solomon loved God and God gave him Wisdom and understanding (1 King 3:3; 1 King 4:29-34). The hotter your love for God, the more you experience the manifestation of His Wisdom in your life.

7. Praise:
We activate Divine Wisdom by praise. Joy is at the root of acceptable praise. So, there is a supernatural access to the deep things of God by joy (Isaiah 12:3). Divine presence is your Divine access to the flow of Divine presence. The more joyful you are, the greater your insight (Psalm 100: 4).

8. By the mystery of Tithing:

Tithing qualifies you for access to showers of Divine ideas. For instance, ABRAHAM, a tither, built the first cattle ranch  and he became the biggest cattle farmer by Divine ideas. Through tithing, your life is enriched by your access to Divine Wisdom which manifests itself in Divine ideas. You are not enriching God through tithing but God enriches you through tithing.

9. By Meditation:

Meditation is also your access to Divine Wisdom from the Word (Psalms 119:97-100). Just as the digestion of your physical food is the only way to draw maximum benefit from what you eat, so also, you draw maximally benefit from meditation. In meditation, you think through in the Holy Ghost, to solutions from the Word of God. Wisdom from above will continue to make you a high flier!  Congratulations! Jesus Is Lord!


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How To Get The Gift of Divine Wisdom - Dr. David Oyedepo

This week is a Wisdom packed week. Truly, one needs Wisdom in all aspect of life. I will be splitting the beans on Wisdom from two powerful men of God. They will usher us into the realm of Divine Wisdom. I mean the walking in the true realm of God's own Wisdom. The piece is from the known Presiding Bishop of Living faith Church, Dr. David Oyedepo.

The title of this message is "Activating the Gift of Divine Wisdom".

Supernatural Wisdom is a gift, with practical examples of those who successfully operated by it. We also grasped how to access God's Wisdom in the Word. God's Word is His Wisdom in Print. When we receive His Word and walk in it, then we are walking in His Wisdom. His Wisdom makes one to be outstanding!

The Wisdom of God generates tangible and unbeatable results which only fools can doubt! The Wisdom of God is neither theoretical nor wisdom of words. It has the propensity for commanding mighty works! That is why we should crave for the operation and manifestation of God's Wisdom in our lives.

But it is only what we make happen that happens. If we do nothing, we get nothing! As a child of God, you have a deposit of Divine Wisdom in you, which will never deliver results, unless it is activated.

Because of the importance of tapping into Divine Wisdom, which is a supernatural phenomenon. When we receive His Word and engage it, then we are walking in His Wisdom.

...Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them...(Matthew 7:24)

God's Wisdom is not common sense, it's heaven sense. Because whatever is from above is above all, it messes up all other kinds of wisdom. God's Wisdom is not theoretical. Mark 6:2 says

Whence has this man has this Wisdom and this mighty works. So, it's not wisdom of words; it's Wisdom of Mighty Works!

The wisdom of man is evident in the children of men and the wisdom of animal is evident in the children of animals. So, why should the Wisdom of God not be evident in the Children of God?

You have a deposit of Divine Wisdom in you. Jesus said, "Who has known the mind of God that he may instruct him, but we have the mind of Christ." The mind is the seat of Wisdom; so, we have  the mind of Christ. Who is Christ? He is the Wisdom and The Power of God (1st Corinthians 1:24)

Why are we not experiencing His fruit? It is because it's not been activated.

Avenues For Activating The Gifts Of Divine Wisdom.

1. By The Word:

We stir the gift of Divine Wisdom by the Word. It is a spiritual stirring rod. Remember, Jesus came and the prophecy said, "A rod shall come forth out of the stem of Jesse."   Who is Jesus? In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God ( John 1:1).     So, Jesus is the Rod that quickens every Divine deposit in you, including the deposit of Divine Wisdom. So, God's Word is a quickening spirit (John 6:63) and it makes wise (2 Timothy 3: 15). It's an activating force that stirs up the treasures of God in us. God's Word is God's Wisdom Bank and God's Wisdom Service Station. You go there to service the Wisdom deposit in you, for maximum delivery. More on this topic coming very soon... Stay glued to our Blog.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Secrets Of Outstanding Success - The Law Of Love

Today 's word of God is from the his vessel, Bishop David Oyedepo of Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a. Winners' Chapel. The teaching from God's word today focuses on the Secrets Of Outstanding Success. We all know by now that all the laws of the Lord hangs on Love. The law of love is the anchor law for supernatural success. Everything that works in the Kingdom works by Love. There are three vital forces that rules destiny. They includes Love, Hope (which means Vision) and Faith. The greatest of these is Love...the greatest of these is charity (1st Corinthians 13:13). For sustained emphasis, we will be looking at two biblical laws today. These two laws are vital to realizing your outstanding success birthright.

1. The Law Of Love
  We have traced the foundation of lasting, enduring, enviable, ever shining, success and we have come to discover that is the Law Of Love. The law of love is the anchor law in the school of success as far as the Kingdom of God is concerned. Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him (1st Corinthians 2: 9). This implies that genuine lovers of God are the candidates for the path-finding, pace-setting, trailblazing order of accomplishments.
  When yo become a genuine lover of God, you have become a candidate of outstanding success. No genuine lover of God ends up being a failure. He may be confronted and grievously hated but he will emerge an enviable champion at the end. So, the love of God remains the unquestionable platform for outstanding success.

Why is Love Fundamental For Outstanding Success?

 *You are blessed to be a Blessing: You will never be blessed beyond your capacity to be a blessing. You are blessed to be a blessing to humanity. God will prefer to keep you poor and package you for heaven than enrich you and send you to hell (1st Timothy 6: 17- 18). You are enriched to be an 'enricher' of men. God is the promoter, so he promotes you only to the level that you are committed to promoting the well being of others.
  If you are selfish, there is nothing you have that you won't desire. But if you love, there is nothing you have that is too good to be given. For God so loved the world, that he gave...(John 3: 16). So, you cannot be a blessing without Love. Your lifting is love-limited; your promotion is love-limited. You are blessed to be a blessing. When you stop be a blessing, God stops blessing you.


*You are blessed to be a promoter of God's Kingdom You are blessed to be a promoter of the kingdom of God (Psalms 102: 13- 14). One way to sustain your blessing is to remain a promoter of God's kingdom. It has to be in your heart. Your lifting will never go beyond your commitment to promoting his Kingdom. You need a heart for God to access His promotions in your life. God is the promoter of men. Outstanding success that endures, that is long-lasting, colourful and enviable is the Lord.

*You are lifted by God to be lifter of men: You are lifted to be a lifter of men. God will not lift you beyond the level that you are committed to being a lifter of others. Joseph came to light in this regard. God lifted him from the dungeon to the beauty of the palace because He saw in him the commitment of lift others including his haters. When God lifted Joseph, he turned round and lifted his brethren and the entire family. And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance (Genesis 45;7- 8). There are no cases that love cannot revitalize. The love of God is the master key to unlimited heights. Please, give God a rightful place in your heart and you will never regret doing so.

 "Lord, anoint me afresh to love you more than ever. En-grace me afresh to possess a larger heart for You. I don't want to miss the marks that You have ordained for me on earth. So, help me Jesus!"  That is the cry of one who will get there.

This next post will be continuation of this post. The Law Of Divine Ideas...Coming soon. Repent if you are not yet born again. Ask Jesus to help you. You will then be that outstanding success.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

3 Top Secrets Of Bishop David O. Oyedepo Exposed

Bishop David Oyedepo Of Living Faith Church Worldwide
Do you know that Bishop David Oyedepo Secrets has been unveiled? Yes, you read right. All his secrets from the supernatural church growth to the powers that works wonders to the unbeatable securities to the acts of signs and miracles has all been exposed. YES , YES, YES. Everything has been published online here but I will be telling you all one by one. This week is one of the secrets that his behind all the success that you have been seeing him doing. To be frank, I don't know where to start from if I think of typing and telling you all the secrets of this well known and famous man of God called Bishop David Oyedepo.

What pushed me to say some words about this "Spirit-of-God-possessed-man" is that he is truly sent to liberate mankind from every oppression of the devil. That mandate is for real. I am not saying all this to get you enticed or get him praised as to God be all the glory not man. You may be thinking of some kinds of demonic powers to be involved as some rumours implies but I say unto you this day that he is a true and complete man of God. How do I know, you ask?

He has many secrets that he always talks about in the congregation. If you are a steady worshipper in Cannaanland, Ota or via the satellite then you will know what I'm saying.

God told him to go to Pastor E.A. Adeboye for laying of hands in order to received the spirit of wisdom. He went and from then, he has been flying in the realms of supernatural wisdom. An occasion reminds me of one of his secrets. My grandfather told me this story. This is not fabricated at all. No lies or "additives" or "sweet tongues stuff". My grand father is a man of honour and humour. He says the bitter truth and unleashing the words that might even hurt you. He expresses himself the way he wants and conveys his message to us, the children. Let me continue with the story he told me about Bishop David Oyedepo. It was really surprising to me. I was dozing when he told me this story and the sleep left me immediately.

There was a tractor that was meant to enter into the church premises to do some works. And the men( brought the tractors) and people around there were all trying possible means to make the giant tractor go  through the gate. The gate of the church has an height. Though, am not that good with calculation of height and feet (measurement, I mean). As they were struggling with the issue on how to make the tractor go in. I know they must have been thinking of breaking the roof-like structure that is overhead the tractor.

Then came Papa (Bishop David Oyedepo) and asked them what is going on. They explained to him and he replied them. GUESS WHAT! CAN YOU JUST GUESS!! OKAY NO MORE GUESSING BECAUSE IT SEEMS YOU ARE NOT GOOD WITH GUESSING.

He simply told them that they should make the tires of the tractor flat by letting our the air in them(tires). What A Wisdom!!!
I was marvelled and ....I never thought of something like that. All I was thinking was that he will tell them to break the roof-like structure that was constructed overhead and and after they will rebuild another one  OR pass through the wall by demolishing some part and rebuild it OR go through the other long way....But What is Wisdom? The right application of knowledge- Bishop David Oyedepo.
What is the secret?  Close guided doing (according to online dictionary - done, made, or conducted without the knowledge of others). God gave him wisdom, true and here is what God Divine Wisdom has done to the situation that would have cost some money and time.

He is indeed the blessed by God. He has a saying that he always say that I love so much..."GOD IS ALL YOU NEED TO HAVE YOUR NEEDS MET".

The bottom line of my writing on part 1 about the secret of Bishop David Oyedepo Olaniyi Ministries that I know is GOD.
Jehovah God is all that he has.

Don't Forget Heaven.... Read About


Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Success Secret Of Prayer


Monday, March 19, 2012

Why love is a fundamental for outstanding success?

Exploring Biblical Laws of Success via The Law Of Love CONTINUATION 2

Why love is a fundamental  for outstanding success?
Today we will be dealing with the question above. It is all about why love is essential if you wants to achieve a life time outstanding success.


You will never be blessed beyond your capacity to be a blessing. You are blessed to be a blessing to humanity. God will prefer to keep you poor and package you for heaven than to enrich you and send you to hell.

1st Tim. 6:17-18
017:Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;
018:That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;

You are enriched to be an "enricher" of men. God is a promoter, so , he promotes you only to the level that you are committed to promoting the well-being of others.
If you are selfish , there is nothing you have that you won't desire. But if you love, there is nothing you have that is too good to be give.

John 3:16...
 016:For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

You cannot be a blessing without love. Your lifting is love-limited. Your promotion is love-limited. You are blessed to be a blessing and not a stopping point of blessing. When you stop being a blessing, God stops blessing you.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Exploring Biblical Laws of Success via The Law Of Love

This is the word of God coming out from the mouth of the servant of God, Bishop David  Oyedepo. It is the recently concluded teaching based on how you can have the secrets of an outstanding success as a believer. 
  • The law of Love
We have traced the foundation of lasting, enduring , enviable, ever shinning success and we have come to discover that is the law of love. the law of love is the anchor law in the school of success as far as the kingdom of God is concerned.

1st Cor. 2:8
...But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

This implies that the genuine lovers of God are the candidates for the path-finding, pace setting, trailblazing order of accomplishments. when you become genuine lover of god, you have become a candidate of outstanding success. No genuine lover of god ends up a failure.He may be challenged temporarily but he will emerge a champion at the end. He may be confronted and grievously hated but he will emerge an enviable champion at the end. So, the love of God remains the unquestionable platform for outstanding success.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bishop David Oyedepo Ministries

Thanks for hovering to our blog today. You will be refresh with God's word live from his servant Bishop David Oyedepo. Just be a  follower and you are hook on. Thanks.
