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1. The Law Of Love
We have traced the foundation of lasting, enduring, enviable, ever shining, success and we have come to discover that is the Law Of Love. The law of love is the anchor law in the school of success as far as the Kingdom of God is concerned. Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him (1st Corinthians 2: 9). This implies that genuine lovers of God are the candidates for the path-finding, pace-setting, trailblazing order of accomplishments.
When yo become a genuine lover of God, you have become a candidate of outstanding success. No genuine lover of God ends up being a failure. He may be confronted and grievously hated but he will emerge an enviable champion at the end. So, the love of God remains the unquestionable platform for outstanding success.
Why is Love Fundamental For Outstanding Success?
*You are blessed to be a Blessing: You will never be blessed beyond your capacity to be a blessing. You are blessed to be a blessing to humanity. God will prefer to keep you poor and package you for heaven than enrich you and send you to hell (1st Timothy 6: 17- 18). You are enriched to be an 'enricher' of men. God is the promoter, so he promotes you only to the level that you are committed to promoting the well being of others.
If you are selfish, there is nothing you have that you won't desire. But if you love, there is nothing you have that is too good to be given. For God so loved the world, that he gave...(John 3: 16). So, you cannot be a blessing without Love. Your lifting is love-limited; your promotion is love-limited. You are blessed to be a blessing. When you stop be a blessing, God stops blessing you.
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*You are blessed to be a promoter of God's Kingdom You are blessed to be a promoter of the kingdom of God (Psalms 102: 13- 14). One way to sustain your blessing is to remain a promoter of God's kingdom. It has to be in your heart. Your lifting will never go beyond your commitment to promoting his Kingdom. You need a heart for God to access His promotions in your life. God is the promoter of men. Outstanding success that endures, that is long-lasting, colourful and enviable is the Lord.
*You are lifted by God to be lifter of men: You are lifted to be a lifter of men. God will not lift you beyond the level that you are committed to being a lifter of others. Joseph came to light in this regard. God lifted him from the dungeon to the beauty of the palace because He saw in him the commitment of lift others including his haters. When God lifted Joseph, he turned round and lifted his brethren and the entire family. And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance (Genesis 45;7- 8). There are no cases that love cannot revitalize. The love of God is the master key to unlimited heights. Please, give God a rightful place in your heart and you will never regret doing so.
"Lord, anoint me afresh to love you more than ever. En-grace me afresh to possess a larger heart for You. I don't want to miss the marks that You have ordained for me on earth. So, help me Jesus!" That is the cry of one who will get there.
This next post will be continuation of this post. The Law Of Divine Ideas...Coming soon. Repent if you are not yet born again. Ask Jesus to help you. You will then be that outstanding success.